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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Trials and tribulations

It seems after ktansa's post no one is breaking the silence or rather probably you all have your end year exams coming up..Ka Wai told me all studying like mad..Lately it's been a lil tough going..Many realizations..Coming to my senses..It sucks when your heart and mind don't agree.. Well, i miss you guys a lot.. The lame stuff mostly :) Balau too.. Anyway, there isn't much to say thru a blog..Hope to catch up soon..Good luck in exams.. taa

God Bless

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Meaningful life ? Purposeful life ? Or Emptiness & Darkness all the way long ?

I'm tired of living a empty life. Meaningless. Everything is meaningless. Nothing seems to make sense in this world.

I need to find a greater meaning to live for. I want to live for a purpose. Not just living for myself each day. Not just living selfishly and thinking about myself or asking
" how does doing this benefit me ? " each time i do something.

Come On. There's got to be something, a purpose, a plan, or at least a sign on why do i exist in this world . An empty life is definitely not 1 i would live in. It's simply not worth it.

A pre- planned life. arrr..... why does this phrase resonate so deeply within my soul ? My very innner self that has been giving up lately on everything i had ever live for? Suddenli, it seems so empty. So dull. Is life just something we have to go through as though we 're just pasting by our time so that we may reach the end and say ," hey i made it to the end . Let's see what i've done ... i've done this . i 've helped ppl. I've created this. i've invented that.i've got a family. wife , children maybe. I led a happy life. It was a good life, you know? so where's does this takes me from now ?? "

There has to be a purpose on why i exist. why i'm created in this planet called Earth. Talk abt being created . I believe i'm created in God's image. I'm God's creation. Even though sometimes i feel so dejected and desperate finding for something worth living for, but yeah I sincerely believe that God created you and me. And He has a purpose for us. Luckily and thankfully. That's all i can say. I'm thankful i'm able to be living , experiencing feelings , being a human , and wut else ? i'm glad i'm born in Malaysia. What else could i ask for ? Sometimes i feel like i don't get those things that i want in life, that God has taken things away from me. But try looking it at a different angle. Not my own selfish self centered meaningless angle. try looking it at God's angle. The more i see wut's going on in other places in the world , the more i see what i have and what He has given and blessed me with. I'm thankful. and i so dearly love Him for that.

So how does this change me ? I dunno. And i 'm not sure. I'm still an imperfect human trying to find its way to a purpose. Just like everyone else.
But now at least , at least , i have a God to lead me on . A purposeful life. A plan. A blueprint.
Even though i haven't discovered the full details of that blueprint, I shall wait in patience .And in hope . I know i have a purpose. I ought to have . It's the only reasonable answer to why i still breathe. why my heart still functions and why i am feeling the things that i feel and finally why i would be writing this blog. Life is not a coincidence. It has a plan for you. Discover. And believe.

God bless.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thin people are so friggin NOT

1.I am bored
2.No PNJ members are online
3.Haven't caught up with sooern and manda in a while
4.I am bored
5.Its mid August and I wish it was December
6. But I dont like summer
7.Nor do i like winter
8.Spring and autumn so much better
9.The epl matches tonight are boring

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fat people are hot.

models are commonly labelled as too thin and anorexic...

That's why i concluded that the newest and hotteest trend now is that :

Fat , healthy , and meaty girls are HoT.

agree ?
(i'm sure soo ern 'll ) lol.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fiction XD and boredom

Seasons are changing(literally)
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter..

Thoughts process in order..

1.I wonder how the people back home are?

2.I think of my relatives

3.My first cousin

4.Second cousin

5.Third cousin( imagine my retarded face counting)

The following content has been removed due to the high probability of you falling asleep..

121.Yes finally my mothers brothers fathers ex sister in-law

122.Now wait a minute..(confused lookThere's like those people i
share a blog with.
YEA..TNA RITE? no thats the wrestling show la dumbass..Oh ya
PNJ!!!..Got one gal always scold one guy oni noe how to
laugh AND I MEAN queen who thinks shes all dat..
and some inferior princess who does not want to tease herself..
then of course got that guy copy my name his surname so boring i
forgot it d....YEAAAHH..I better
update the blog wei later they think I forget bout them..

123.Wonder whether mom finish cooking yet not...

124.OMG my sister is watching tv...I wanna watch tv la wth...

125.Cool I smell the food = D mom say she cooking tan..(why does
that ring a bell) oh ya TAN IS EGG..

126.OH the damn blog

127.Wait better read other blogs first den can get my blogging

DIDNT WANT TO TEASE HERSELF..(smiles as if pleased)

129. Clearly Violet is getting a little less self centred..she wants to
hold hands with somebody..aww..(slightly retarded emo face)

130. What happened to the rest?...Aiya who cares..You think they
care ar about you..

131.Maybe they do leh..

132.AH WTV LA..( remember eugene say must laugh when u not
how to answer ppl?aiya but his answer to everthing is laugh la)

133.Wait PnJ formed coz of gossip right..but i dont really see the diff
between gossip and bitch..EH STUPID remember what violet
said about the mr x wit mr y and the mrs z thinks she damn hot..
oh ya..must remember..too bad no sooern to scold if i forget..

134.So what to blog leh?...(research on wikipedia about what to
blog) blog your thoughts....